Take advantage of the opportunities offered by NOWE MEDIA, make your advertising more attractive, effective and increase its range.


Would you like millions to hear about your brand? Professionally active people who like to discover new products or services? Consumers for whom the world has no boundaries? If so – airport advertising will allow you to reach your best customers.

Airports: Warszawa Chopina, Warszawa Modlin, Kraków Balice, Wrocław Kopernika, Katowice Pyrzowice, Gdańsk Wałęsy, Poznań Ławica, Rzeszów Jasionka, Szczecin Goleniów, Zielona Góra Babimost, Olsztyn Mazury, Łódź Reymonta


Who does usually travel on a plane — customer’s profile

According to the research carried out by IQS, every third person in our country flies. The most numerous group of airline customers are people aged 30-34 (around 42% of passengers). Most of them are people holding higher education (43%) who live in large cities (over 40%). Over half of the respondents declares to travel for tourism purposes. Family reasons came on second place. On the other hand, 3 out of 10 respondents declared to travel for business purposes. What does it mean in practice? As you can see, airline passengers are the most desirable group of consumers. They are professionally active who already managed to settle down and start a family. Some of them run their own business, some of them are senior employees.

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Airport advertising — why is it worth it

As you might be aware, departure and all related formalities can take quite a long time. Purchasing flight, check-in or sometimes awaiting change, make the passenger spend even up to few hours at the airport. It is obvious during this time passenger has nothing to do. That is exactly why he pays most attention to details. Especially if he flies for the first time. While waiting in a long queue he will pay attention to your advertisement. And if he also considers the ad is directed to him, he will stop by for a little bit longer and watch the spot till the end. Why are we sure no travelers will miss your ad? The reason is simple. Because the advertisement at the airports is placed in most strategic places. Such as those each traveller must go passed. Because such location guarantees millions will see your ad, both Polish and foreigners.

Airport advertising — benefits

Airport advertising is most of all campaign of unimaginable reach. Our LED screens are located at the largest objects of this type: in Warsaw (Chopin’s Airport), Krakow, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, Łódź, Modlin, Katowice, Olsztyn, Rzeszów, Zielona Góra, Szczecin and Lublin. What’s important, the screens used for emitting the spots do not fulfill only the advertising function. They also display messages and information content, such as weather forecasts. This way the passengers pay attention to them and the advertisement itself becomes more natural and accessible. These screens are located not only at the airport itself but also near it, which gives a chance that almost every passenger passes by them. This way the information about your services or products are noticeable to up to 97% of travelers.

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Your ad at the airport — create it with us

If you expect an effective campaign, which effects you can actually measure – do not hesitate to contact us. You will not have to worry about the technical issues. Most importantly, we will help you choose the optimal spot length and the frequency of its broadcasting. And all this in order to reach the largest possible number of your potential customers.