Take advantage of the opportunities offered by NOWE MEDIA, make your advertising more attractive, effective and increase its range.

Digital Citylight Advertisement - 184 city digitals

Cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Lodz, Poznań, Gdynia, Wroclaw.

Only a dozen years ago or so the outdoor advertising (ATL), addressed to mass recipients, was associated mainly with unattractive billboards. The development of modern technologies has changed its face. Currently, digital advertisement allows the consumer to meet a brand within an urban space. A meeting that will transform a passer-by into your customer.

Digital Citylight Ads – what it is and how it works

Advertising on Digital Citylight carriers combines both the features of classic billboard and digital advertising. This is a type of outdoor advertising that uses the enormous potential urban space. The 1.20 × 1.80 meter billboard is backlit and is located behind the glass. Digital advertising can be a completely independent, free-standing object or become an element of a specific object, e.g. a bus stop, a news agent, a lighthouse, or an intersection.

Digital Advertising — use the potential of urban space

The truth is that not many people pays attention to posters located on buildings or fences. The reason is simple. This form of advertising is used for over 20 years and therefore the residents are used to it. Sometimes up to the point of it becoming invisible. The digital advertisement on the other hand is an answer to the needs of transforming world. Internet and modern technologies made the consumers expect more. Nowadays it is more difficult to get their attention, and yet, often the first contact of your potential customer with your brand begins there. Digital Citylight advertising is eye-catching as it is highlighted. It makes it visible at all times – both during the day and during the night time. Moreover, the digital advertising format is much more attractive for its receiver. Dynamics, expressive colors, clear and legible message – these are the features thanks to which your company’s advertisement will be noticed and you will be able to pass on much more information than in case of traditional carriers.

Digital Citylight Advertisement — be where your customer are

Thanks to digital advertising you will reach with your message both the mass recipient and a specific group of clients. It all depends on the location of the advertising screen. For example, if an advertisement is placed at a bus stop or at an intersection or island, its range will be very wide and information about your business will reach a mass audience receiver. However, is Citylight shows up near a specific building, like a bank for instance, your ad will attract attention of its customers. And this means that all you have to do is choose the right place where your potential customer go, and your ad will become a profitable investment.

Digital Advertisement — create it with us

Thanks to cooperation with us you will create attractive and most importantly effective advertising. Why? Because we will analyze your target group and will help you to choose best location. We will also help you out creating and attractive, convincing and consistent message.