Take advantage of the opportunities offered by NOWE MEDIA, make your advertising more attractive, effective and increase its range.


Advertising on trains will allow you to reach an attractive group of customers. Let their journey be an opportunity to learn about your brand.

We can offer advertising on PKP Intercity Pendolino trains, Masovian Rail, Greater Poland Rail, Silesia Rail, Lower Silesia Rail, Lodz Agglomeration Rail.

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Advertisement on train vs. Customer’s profile

Wondering who your ad will reach on the train? In order to answer this question, you need to ask another one. What characterizes people who like travelling? What’s more – those who choose to travel by train? They are active people, curious about the world, for whom the time spent on the train is an opportunity to stop and have a break for a moment. According to the research conducted by PKP Intercity, passengers of this particular rail are professionally active people, full time employees or self-employed (54%). Within this group 66% of people are passengers with high or over secondary education. The vast majority are people aged 25-54 (70%). What’s interesting 66% of passengers live in large cities (over 200,000 citizens). 26% of them have a net income of 4,000 per household. What do these statistics mean for you? Advertisement on the train is a chance to promote your company among the largest group of products and services buyers.

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Advertisement on trains – why is it worth it

Perhaps you are afraid the advertisement on the train is not effective because passengers will not pay attention to it. There is nothing more wrong about it! Imagine, where does the traveler have so much time? The monotony of several hours journey makes the passengers to pay attention to the smallest stimulus. Most importantly – the LED screens except for advertising spots display also other messages. This is why the passengers pay attention to every information that shows up there. Another advantage of advertising on the train is fact that traveler can see it several times. Thanks to this your advertisement will be remembered. And moreover, if he considers it as an attractive offer, he will most likely use it.

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Advertisement on the train – create it with us

Thanks to cooperation with us you will create an effective advertising campaign. We will advise the best carrier in order to highlight the advantages of your offer. We will help you choose best spot length and frequency of its display. Your company’s advertisement will appear on the trains of the most popular carriers such as: PKP Intercity Pendolino trains, Masovian Rail, Greater Poland Rail, Silesia Rail, Lower Silesia Rail, Lodz Agglomeration Rail. Are you still hesitating? Advertisement on the train means a real access to thousands of potential customers every day. Even if only 1% of them will benefit from your offer, imagine how many new customers you may gain.